In 1960 I worked that summer at the University of Florida, Costal Engineering Lab.  When I got the job I did not know that they had a contract with Lago to build a model of the San Nicholas Harbor and make recommendations as to dredging and breakwaters.  I worked on this model for three months, and during time we completed the work and did testing on the model.  Testing consisted of building the model and creating waves like those recorded in Aruba, Lago supplied this information.  Then we drained the model and removed part of the bottom to simulate dredging and again checked the wave action.  Then we built breakwaters to control the increased wave action.  When complete the recommendations were sent to Lago and they followed the recommendations.
These are photos I took of the model.
In 1962 I was in Aruba and was able to take photos of the harbor, the new breakwater that had been built because of the model studies as well as other shots from around Aruba.
The following photos from around the Colony were taken in 1962
When I returned to the States I went up on an Esso Tanker to Florida.  These photos are taken on that tanker trip.